The 12 Habits of Highly Effective Bidders   (February 2009)

    8.  They consider partner’s potential problems. (Part 5)

One of the cardinal rules of bidding used to be that 4-card majors should be bid “up the line”.  That’s still the right approach with most hands, but there are some situations where bypassing a 4-card major will be the best way to describe your hand. A good partner will recognize the auctions where you might have made this choice and he’ll find your hidden major if he needs it.   

One of the most common situations is opener’s rebid with a balanced 18-19 points. If you open 1C and partner responds 1H, you can’t show everything when you hold
   ♠AK95   K8   K72   ♣AJ104

The recommended tradeoff is a 2NT rebid. This temporarily hides the spade suit, but it pinpoints your strength, shows your balanced pattern and puts partner in charge. If you instead rebid 1S, partner may bid 1NT and wrong-side the contract. If he shows a stronger hand, you risk missing a slam because you’ll have no clear way to show this exact strength.

Keep this possibility in mind when you’re responder. After 1C-1H-2NT, don’t give up on a 4-4 fit when you hold a hand such as
   ♠10742   AQ74   85   ♣Q93

Instead of hastily raising to 3NT, rebid 3D (artificial) to check on opener’s major-suit length. If he has two hearts and four spades, he’ll rebid 3S and you’ll find the best game.

Change opener’s hand to   ♠AK95  K82  K7  ♣AJ104  and he now has a different problem. Over your 3D checkback, should he show his 3-card heart support or the 4-card spade suit?

On most deals, showing support for partner’s major will lead to a simpler auction because that’s the information he’s most likely to need. Responder will hold 5 hearts and 0-3 spades more often than 4-5 hearts and exactly 4 spades.

If opener rebids 3H with the 4-3-2-4 hand, the spade fit isn’t lost. You’ll follow with 3NT, and opener will now know you were looking for 4-4 spades rather than 5-3 hearts.

Note that by rebidding 3NT instead of 3S, you assure that opener will declare the final contract, whether it’s 3NT or 4S. Your entire, perfect and partnership-friendly auction will be:     

   Partner       You
     1C              1H
    2NT             3D 
     3H              3NT
     4S              Pass

Hidden majors in 1NT rebids

Your system may require similar accommodations over opener’s 1NT rebid. Many pairs agree that if you open 1C and rebid 1S, you guarantee at least 4-4 in your suits. The problem hand in this structure is the minimum 4-3-3-3 opener, which must skip the 4-card spade suit and rebid 1NT over partner’s 1D or 1H response.

If your partnership uses these methods, you’ll occasionally miss a 4-4 spade fit when opener rebids 1NT and responder is too weak to bid on. With invitational or better values, though, responder can find opener’s spade suit. After 1C-1H-1NT, bid 2D (new minor forcing) with    
   ♠QJ63   KQJ7   65   ♣A43

If opener rebids 2H (3-card support), you’ll continue by making a value bid in notrump – 3NT with game strength or 2NT with invitational values. 

Your message is the same as in the auction where opener rebid 2NT. Since you showed no interest in opener’s heart support, it will be clear to him that your reason for bidding 2D was to check for a spade fit. If opener has the 4-3-3-3 hand, he’ll bid 3S or 4S over your notrump rebid.

And a simple one:

Here’s a Stayman auction where opener voluntarily bids his “hidden” major: 

   Opener    Responder
     1NT           2C
      2H            3D 

It’s obvious to most that opener is showing two 4-card majors, but that message may escape those afflicted with “cuebiditis”. If either partner interprets 3S as a cuebid for a diamond slam, this auction could spin out of control.

Even the simplest auctions can become tortuous if you’re looking too hard for problem hands that don’t exist. When in doubt, assume partner has the “easy” hand. If there’s a natural, standard meaning for his bids, go with that and save the deep inferences for unusual auctions where you’re truly perplexed.

   ©  2009   Karen Walker