Balancing Over One-Bids

This type of balancing bid is made in the pass-out seat after an opponent has opened the bidding (1 of a suit on your left, Pass, Pass, to you). In these situations, it's often a good idea to stretch to keep the auction alive.

Here are some guidelines to help you decide if you should balance after a one-bid is passed around to you:

The BEST time to balance is when:
  1. You're short in opener's suit.

  2. You have length and high-card strength in the other three suits.

  3. You have a good 5-card or longer suit.

  4. You're not vulnerable (if you can't make your bid, the penalty will be lower, and may be even less than the score you would have lost if you had defended the one-bid).

The WORST time to balance is when:
  1. You have a weak hand (fewer than 8-9 points) and/or a weak suit.

  2. You have length in opener's suit. The more cards you have in the opponents' suit, the less chance there is that you and partner will have a fit. It's often best to pass and let opener play in what may be a bad contract.

  3. You're vulnerable. If you can't make your bid, the penalty may be expensive.

How strong is partner's hand?

One reason for balancing is to protect partner when he has good values, but did not have a descriptive bid available in the direct seat. In some of these cases, he may have had a "trap pass" -- a strong hand that could not call because of length in opener's suit. To get a general idea of partner's points and distribution when the opponents pass out a one-bid, you can usually assume that:

Look for other clues to determine how likely it is that partner's hand falls in the "average" ranges above. If you have a marginal balancing hand, use these guidelines to make your decision:

Balancing after a Suit Opening Bid  (1C/1D/1H/1S - Pass - Pass - ?)

When you balance over a one-bid, you are, in effect, bidding some of partner's values for him. This means you can "shade down" many of your bids. As a guideline, most of your balancing bids promise about one King fewer than you would need to make the same bid in the direct seat.

Balancing after a Notrump Opening Bid (1NT - Pass - Pass - ?)

A SUIT BID in the pass-out seat can be whatever you and partner agree -- a natural one-suited hand or a conventional bid showing two suits. Don't worry too much about high-card strength. It's much more important to have a good, long suit and playing strength when you balance.

Check the vulnerability. Since it's guaranteed that the 1NT opener has some length and defense against your suit, you'll want to have decent strength if you're vulnerable. If you're not vulnerable and the opponents are, you can stretch to bid with .

A DOUBLE in the pass-out seat can have different meanings at different vulnerabilities.

Responder's Bids (after partner balances over a one-bid)

Remember that partner may have stretched to keep the auction open for you, so don't hang him. In general, most of your responses promise about one Queen more than you would have if partner had taken action in the direct seat.

If partner balances with a suit (showing 8-14 points):
     Partner usually has less than opening-bid strength, so pass if you have a weak hand without a fit. The meanings of your other bids are:

If partner doubles (showing 10+ points): 
Remember that partner can be relatively light in high-card points. With most hands, respond at the cheapest level possible. Don't jump unless you have at least 10-11+ points.
If partner balances with 1NT (showing 11-15 points):


The auction goes 1S by your LHO (left-hand-opponent) - Pass - Pass to you. What is your bid with:

KQ3   Q4   AJ86   ♣QJ92 ?
1NT. This is about the strongest hand you should have for a balancing 1NT.
QJ4   J103   AQ972   ♣K10 ?
1NT. A 2D bid is also a possibility, but with your balanced shape and heart stopper, 1NT is a better description.
65   K4   J102   ♣AJ10954 ?
2C. Don't be afraid to balance light if you have a good suit, especially if you're relatively short in your opponent's suit.
3   QJ92   A874   ♣K1032 ?
Double. You have minimum points, but you have right distribution.
7   AQJ108   Q54   ♣AK103 ?
Double. This hand is too strong for a simple 1S balance, which can show as few as 8 points. You plan to rebid 2H over partner's response, showing a "good" overcall.
43   J6   AQ7   ♣AKJ1087 ?
3C. This hand is too strong for a simple 2C balance. Jump to show your strong suit and invite game.
QJ74   7   Q7654   ♣AQ7 ?
Pass. Your long suit is very weak and you have length in opener's suit. Also, they may have a better contract in spades, and will have the opportunity to find it if you reopen the bidding for them.
J973   73   KQ1032   ♣Q5 ?
Pass. You have a good suit, but you're very weak. Partner's failure to bid suggests that opener has a powerhouse, or that the opponents have a better fit somewhere.

Copyright ©  Karen Walker